How To See Comment History On TikTok (Multiple Ways)

In this guide, you will learn how to see the comments history on TikTok and everything you need to know about your comments activity. Here's how to see the videos you commented on TikTok.
Timothy Iyekowa
Timothy Iyekowa - Writer & Editor
7 Min Read

I have been using TikTok for quite a while, entertaining myself and having fun with all the videos available on the app.

I left a few comments on some videos, and I want to delete the comments, but I cannot see all my comments history on TikTok. Because there is no way to see comment history on TikTok.

TikTok doesn’t give you a section where you can view all your comments history, and so do other social media apps like Instagram. If don’t like it or favorite it, it will be hard to see the comments you have made.

In this guide, you will learn how to see the comments history on TikTok and everything you need to know about your comments activity. Here’s how to see the videos you commented on TikTok.

Can You Find TikTok Videos That You Commented On?

Yes, you can find all the TikTok videos that you have commented on.

If you have been using TikTok for a long time, and you commented on any video, there is a probability of you seeing the videos you have made comments on.

Seeing comments on TikTok differs from other social networking apps, unlike Instagram and Facebook.

TikTok has an all-activity section on their app that shows you everything that’s happening on your account and videos but doesn’t tell you outside of that.

The All Activity section is quite limited in showing your comments on videos you have made.

The only ways you can see comments you have made are through the Liked section and Favorite section, for any videos you have saved.

If you have commented on a TikTok video before, maybe you have also liked the video, and from here you can see your comment without even doing much.

This goes the same for videos you save as favorites. If you have commented on a video, you must have saved it to your favorite bookmark section.

This is how I used to find my comments on the TikTok app. You should try the same. While commenting on a video if you did not like it.

TikTok removed their comment history feature, and they don’t want me to go back to things I have looked up on the app.

But I found a way to see the comments I have made on videos on TikTok.

So if you want to know how to find your comment on TikTok, we got you.

How To See Comments History On TikTok

As we have said earlier, there is no TikTok comments history section, and there are just three sure ways to see what video you comment on TikTok.

So if you want to see your comments on TikTok, use one method below.

Find Comments In The Liked Videos Section

If you have commented on a TikTok video, there is a high chance you have liked the video too.

This is the easiest way of finding comments on TikTok. To see you liked videos.

Step 1: Open TikTok

Open the TikTok app, then tap on your profile at the bottom-left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Go To Like Videos

On your profile page, you will see four sections. Click on the last one. Which is the? heart icon, which is an eye cross (privacy symbol).

It means that your liked videos are private.

Once you open the liked videos section, you will see all the videos you have liked on TikTok.

From here, you can check each video that you think you have made comments on.

Although this could take a while if you don’t comment too much.

Find Comments In The Favorites Videos Section

If you save your favorite video to watch it later, there may also be a high chance that you have left a comment there.

Another way that is close for you to see your TikTok comments. To see your TikTok Favourite videos.

Step 1: Open TikTok

Open the TikTok app, then tap on your profile at the bottom-left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Tap On The Privacy Symbol

On your profile page, you will see four sections. Click on the third one, the bookmark section.

It also shows the privacy symbol, which means only you can see the videos you saved, and you can’t change them.

Find Comments Using Activity

If you have left a comment on a TikTok video, and someone likes the comments or reply you, TikTok will send you a notification.

From the Activity section, you can easily know TikTok videos you have left comments on if someone replies or likes them.

Open the TikTok app, and tap on inbox. If you get any notifications, go to the Activity section on the page.

From here, you can find any comments that a user likes or has replied to.

How To Keep Track Of Your Comments On TikTok

Like any video you have commented on. This is the easiest way you can get to keep track of the comments you have made on TikTok.

If for any reason you want to delete it later or take some info out of the comments section.

You can also favorite the video you have commented on, just to make sure.


With this guide, we sure do know that you can now see your comments history.

There are many reasons why you may want to view all the comments and histories you have made on TikTok.

Maybe you want to delete it, take the most recent, or get any info from the comments section.

FAQs on How To See Comment History On TikTok

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Open the video’s comments section, tap and hold the comment, then tap on pin to pin the comments.

Open your profile, tap on the 3-line at the top right, and tap on settings and privacy > Privacy > comments. Click on filter all comments to turn it on. When you turn on filter comments, the comments on your video won’t appear until you approve them

You cannot see your comment history on TikTok, it is not possible. But you can see the videos that you have commented on if you like them. There is no section put in place for all your latest comments to appear.

The best chance you are going to get if you want to find videos you have commented on is to use the liked section to find TikTok videos you have commented on.

You can only see it when you both comment on the same videos, their video, or your video. Apart from that, you can't see where they have made comments on any video.

You can't see all of your comments on TikTok if you did not like the video at first. If you did, you can see all the comments you made, and if you got a reply or someone likes it you also received a notification.

You can't find a certain comment on a certain TikTok video. You will have to scroll if you are looking for any comments. There is no way for you to search the comments section.

You may log out from your account. TikTok servers are down. You may be videos may be under review for spam. Your phone is in airplane mode. You have a private account.

To find comments you liked on TikTok, go to your liked videos section and go through each comment. Or you see it from your Activity section under the Inbox tab.

Yes, your followers can see your comments on TikTok. But they will only see it on your post. Apart from that, they won't be able to see it anywhere else.

You cannot see comments on TikTok without using an account. If you don't have a TikTok account, you cannot see or make comments on TikTok.

Your followers and everyone can see your comments on TikTok. You can also restrict your comments to be seen by only people who follow you, or no one. Or you can make it public for everyone.

You cannot see deleted comments on TikTok once you have deleted it. If someone or you delete a comment from any TikTok video, you won't be able to see it again.

There are different reasons why your TikTok comment is not showing. It may be a TikTok bug, server-down problem, or more. We have written why TikTok comments not showing and how to fix it.

To delete a comment on TikTok, open the TikTok video, tap the comment icon find the comment you want to delete, and tap delete.

Open the TikTok video, tap on the comment icon, then press and hold any comment. Click on the edit/pencil icon and tap manage multiple comments. Select up to 100 comments and tap delete and confirm.

No, others can not see it if you delete a comment on TikTok, and you want to be able to see it either.

No, you cannot block someone from seeing your comments on TikTok, but you can try everyone instead. Or you can block the person and they won't be able to see your comments.

Yes, your followers can see your comments on TikTok live. All your followers will be able to see your comments on TikTok live.

No, you cannot search your comments on TikTok. There is no way for you or anyone to search for comments you have made on the app.

Further Reading

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By Timothy Iyekowa Writer & Editor
As a seasoned content writer with 4+ years of experience in consumer technology, Timothy has been a dedicated author and editor at since its inception. Specializing in addressing user concerns, his articles offer effective solutions for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac-related issues. Timothy's expertise also extends to crafting content about social media and various applications. Through his daily articles, he consistently aids users in overcoming their technology challenges.
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